City Dropdown


Check the Product description to see how to add and import cities


Magento 2 City dropdown extension allows the admin to add multiple cities. So customers easily select a city from the dropdown while checkout.

Using this extension you will be able to restrict cities for customers. So if you want to deliver products to few cities this will help you to do that. For example, if you want customers to select from only 5 cities you will be able to show only 5 cities as a dropdown at the checkout.

This extension is not for adding a region. It will be able to add cities for available regions in Magento

Admin Add/Remove Cities

Cities will be shown in the checkout city field as a dropdown

Admin Can Import Cities using CSV file

How to add City?

Admin Menu Vky->Manage City->Add New City

Select Country, Select Region Enter City name, and Save.

How to Import?

Go to System->Data Transfer->Import

Entity Type: Select “City Import” from the dropdown

Download the sample file

Leave city_id column empty

To get the region_id for your cities go to Admin Menu Vky->Manage Cities->Add New City then select Country->select Region after selecting Region you need to right-click on the Region dropdown and click inspect element. Now in the inspect element you need to expand the select tag of the Region after that you will see multiple option tags with region name and value. The value you see is your Region Id for that Region. So you can get region id this way.

Import Behavior Select Add/Update

Check Data and Import.



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